Coronavirus Update:
TASTE MASTERY study and certification program is fully operational worldwide.
Exams are completed remotely. There are no disruptions to study material delivery or office support.

Click here to get certified as a SOMMELIER, SPECIALIST or MASTER in your field of choice:

Choose your own field of interest and dive into a new world of knowledge.

TASTE MASTERY GLOBAL is the leading educational and certifying organization in the world of complex flavors.

TASTE MASTERY GLOBAL was founded to objectively define and uphold an elevated set of standards for industry professionals, experts and connoisseurs worldwide. We offer rigorous courses of study and certification in the 20 most complex foods & beverages that match the well-established professional credentials in the worlds of fine wine and spirits.

Before the founding of TASTE MASTERY, there had been no comprehensive, industry-independent certification program for many of these specialties, despite a high global demand. The organization’s sole focus is to define and uphold high education and examination standards, and to remain the most respected study program for each specialty.

The world of fine flavors is rich in opportunity for those with knowledge and skills; yet it has long needed an authoritative institution for training, examination and career preparation.

The TASTE MASTERY formal study and exam program helps individuals everywhere around the world to start and build a career in one of our 20+ specialty fields.

Join the vibrant group of current TASTE MASTERY candidates located around the world. The program provides people in all countries with an unrivaled opportunity for a passion or career in flavor.

Certified Spice Master

Would you like advice, or want to find out how our certification program can help your passion/career?
Our competent office team can give clear insight. All our team members are certified sommeliers in at least one of the specialties.
Use the form below, and we’ll reply with answers swiftly. Become a “Sommelier” in your field of interest!

Get a Certification in Your Tasting Specialty: This is the Leading Program.

  • Join aspiring and established professionals or hobbyists located all around the world, covering 30+ countries.

  • Study programs designed, guided and endorsed by the most respected global authorities in each specialty.

  • Become the equivalent of a sommelier in the field of your interest, may it be Cigars, Honey, Mezcal or Olive Oil.

  • We provide every individual, in all countries, with an unrivaled opportunity to become a legitimate professional.

Taste Mastery Global sets the highest global standard for knowledge and practical competence in the field of flavors. Its Certified Specialist and Certified Master programs give a clear introduction and lead to a professional level of competence.”

Read our Study Guide, Pass the Exam, Earn your Diploma!



Taste Mastery Global certification programs: Internationally recognized, respected and endorsed by the most accomplished individuals and prestigious institutions in the world of flavor.”